Blog Archive

Thursday, September 5, 2013

New Beginnings Begin with Baby Steps

Welcome to Green Onions and Grace! This little baby blog marks an important theme in my life these days, beginnings. Starting something new. As I journey into yet another new chapter of life, I wanted to share with you my baby steps along the way. In fact, it's my hope that maybe we can even grow together, in whatever season of life you may find yourself in. So, we begin with baby steps, maybe actually more like crawling...

Step 1: Hi, I'm Lauren :-)

First pic of our sweet family- baby boy expected Nov. 27
At 25 years old and three years into a pretty rockin' marriage, I find myself in a new city (Milwaukee) and expecting a new baby! Like I said, new beginnings. My husband, Mike, and I lived in Charlotte, NC for the last three years and loved every second of it. Ok, I promise I didn't just lie, but maybe there is more to that story for a later post. Remember, we're taking baby steps. We are both originally from the Midwest and have moved back for my husband's job. Another brand spanking new, in more ways than one, event in our life.

Step 2: What will you find at Green Onions and Grace?

A fantastic question that does not include a fantastic answer...just yet. Truth is, I'm still asking the same question. My hope is that as all these beginnings take root in our lives, each step along the way will be documented and shared. That was way too vague... On a more practical note, I'll be writing about this amazing city called Milwaukee. The 8 million DIY projects I have done around the house. Much on cooking and eating. How my faith impacts all of my life. Definitely all matters pertaining to this new BABY! Still can't believe that I'm about to be a momma, warms my heart. And pretty much anything else I feel like writing about. Sounds exciting to me ;-)

Step 3: I probably need your help

I will be the first to tell you, although I may not always act like it, that I need help. Have you ever moved to a new city? What were your challenges, how did you make friends, what was your experience? When you were expecting your first precious gift of a child, how did you navigate the deep deep wealth of information out there and channel that into the tedious everyday diaper changes, napping schedules and snuggle time? So go ahead and intrude. Throw your advice and knowledge at me. Just be nice. I'm all ears.. and in this case eyes. Get it?

Last step for today: Thank you to a few...

Me: far right. Katherine: next to me. Everyone else: the best of friends
I have created this blog twice now, and even written posts. However, I never built up the courage to publish them. I'm not trying to be the best writer, or make money, or even gain hundreds of followers. I just want to create a community of people who care about the things I do. But I needed a push. My dear friend Katherine encouraged me to start the blog just for friends, to keep up with each other as we all moved on to new cities. And basically so we could see the projects we're all doing in our new homes ;-) After writing posts in my head for the last 2 months, I decided to dive in. So thanks, Katherine!

You can follow her awesome and intelligent self here.

With love,


  1. I'm thrilled to see you's like having a little piece of you in my heart & home on a daily basis! I'm one of those Charlotte gals who misses Lauren deeply & daily, as do my precious m & m. Ok, so here's my new momma advice: DON'T sweat the small stuff. Because all of us new momma's do. And most of it, you will learn is small stuff.

  2. Sissy - I'm so happy you published a real post! Although you ignored my advice about Wordpress ;) That's ok. I love reading the words that come from your heart and mind. You're always my baby sister, but you're also a woman with such beauty, grace, intelligence and wisdom! And some mean cooking/crafting skills. I don't mean to ever underestimate you, yet you always amaze me! Love, L.

  3. OOOOOOOOOOO GOODIE, now I can keep in touch a little more and see and hear what's going on with you and the expanding family, LOVE IT!!! Miss you, Love Karen
