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Monday, November 30, 2015

Happy Birthday, William!

Spent the morning at the zoo for his birthday!

My firstborn turned two today. TWO! Since the moment William woke up I’ve been in awe of him. How much he’s grown in the blink of an eye. These last two years my heart has been so full; he brings so much joy into our lives. At just two years old he crawls out of his big boy bed in the morning and greets us with a sweet, high pitched “Hi!” He walks down the stairs all on his own and eats his cereal all by himself with a spoon. He says please (pweese) and thank you (dank youuu) when he wants his milk. The child is a puzzle genius! The list goes on and I could brag about this boy until the sun comes up. More than what he can do, I love him for who he is. William is such a sweet boy. Truly loving down to his bones. He is the very definition of affectionate offering his kisses to anyone who asks. Samuel has stolen his heart. William loves to snuggle him by crawling on top of him and squeezing too tight. He kisses his head every time he walks by while reciting, “baby.”  Unlike most boys his age he tends to be quieter, though he’s finding his voice a little more lately. In a house full of people and kids you can find William venturing off to play on his own. My little introvert. He laughs the hardest with his daddy and has taken to Mike’s love for planes. Maybe in the spring Mike will take him for his first single engine flight. He’s most comforted by his momma and loves to snuggle me every day after his nap- my favorite time of day. I never imagined all the ways he would change our lives, more so, add to our lives. We sing William a short doxology before bed each night and say the same prayer. The words have already been written for me regarding my thankful heart to God for all he’s given me in the precious and perfect gift of my son, William.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

On your second birthday,
May the Lord bless you, William Michael
May the Lord keep and protect you on your second birthday and everyday after
May the Lord make His face to shine upon you, Amen.

Happy birthday, William! Momma loves you!
Father and son.


  1. What a precious story Lauren, and more precious is our sweet William...he has stolen his nana and papa's hearts! He is gentle and sweet and kind and especially loving, and we thank God for him! He is growing and learning new things each day, and we continue to pray for him each day

  2. What a precious story Lauren, and more precious is our sweet William...he has stolen his nana and papa's hearts! He is gentle and sweet and kind and especially loving, and we thank God for him! He is growing and learning new things each day, and we continue to pray for him each day
