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Friday, May 30, 2014

Six Months!

My baby boy is SIX MONTHS old today! I still cannot put into words just how much I love him, capture  what he means to us or describe the kind of joy he brings. In every way he is amazing. Although I still often have moments when I find myself mourning the passage of time, he is becoming this little person who is so fun to watch grow up. He is discovering the world around him, wanting to touch and look (and eat!) each new object and texture and person. He’ll smile for almost anyone and laughs the most for his daddy. From the start his disposition has always been flexible and laid back. Bananas, sweet potatoes and carrots are his favorite. He apparently wants to be just like his cousin Eddie-bear and boycott any green vegetable. On the subject of Eddie, William loves his big cousin and Eddie has taken to him too, always wanting to give him kisses and make him happy when he cries. William’s latest trick is sitting up all on his own, though he has absolutely no interest in rolling over (accept of course in the middle of the night when he wants Mom to come put him back!). Already he has become an expert at air travel with a whopping 8 flights behind him and another 2 coming up next week! Amazing Grace is his favorite song and he loves to sleep with his giraffe lovey. He will still sleep in my arms and you better believe I take full advantage of that. Just today I went in during his nap and scooped him up and rocked and held him, thanking God for his life and enjoying a sleeping baby in my arms. It won’t be long until he is into everything, moving about and creating a wake in his path. I try hard to be present in each day with him, learning not to stress too much when he doesn’t sleep through the night or wakes too early from a nap. That kind of stress robs me from my joy. I want to look back on these months and remember how sweet they were, despite the ever looming anxieties every mom struggles with, eating and sleeping. I’m so thankful for this child. I’m so thankful to be raising William with Mike by my side. I’m so thankful for a big family that loves William, too. Happy half year William Michael Wenzler. May God bless you and make His face to shine upon you!

With Love,

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