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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Happy Birthday Husband!

Today is my husband’s birthday. I LOVE my husband’s birthday, maybe almost as much as I love my own birthday. J On November 7th every year I get to celebrate the man I love the most. I get to make his favorite breakfast (waffles.. he’s easy to please) and dote on him all day. He has a hard time with this, accepting all the extra special attention from others on his birthday. And my favorite part of the day is when I get to give him his present. He’s not a spender and will always say he wants nothing, but I know he’s weak in the knees for anything Patagonia or BMW related and can always convince him to keep his gift rather than return it and save the money! At some point in the day we usually make our way to Starbucks for his grande vanilla late, extra hott; the choice of beverage he always use to get with his dad and brother.
Mike's Birthday 2009, we were engaged at the time

 His dad passed away in the middle of the night of his birthday 5 years ago. What used to be a celebration of pure joy is now one that also includes sadness. I am always amazed by my husband’s perspective on this, his firm and un-moving belief that his dad is in glory with Jesus. Because of his assurance of this truth, his sadness is somewhat relieved by the joy of knowing where his dad is, and that he too will join him in Heaven when the Lord calls him home. What an amazing example my husband is for me, to remind me that this life is not all there is. Greater and more fuller is the promise of our eternal life with Christ. So though our hearts still ache from the very real pain that is losing our dearest ones, we still find great joy and celebration on Mike’s birthday.

Chris, Mike and Ed

As part of his gift this year, I wanted to write about the gift he is to me everyday of our lives. Mike and I love spending time with couples older than ourselves. It is so rich and encouraging to see what marriage looks like 10, 15, 30 years down the road. We always find the same response from these couples, that marriage is hard, marvelous, it ebbs and flows, but above all, marriage is good. In the little more than three years that we’ve been married I have experienced what it means for love to grow. The day we married I thought my heart was going to explode with this burning love for my husband. The passion and intensity that is falling is love is so wonderful… but I’ve found that over time love morphs into something else. Today I would describe it differently. Today, I would say that our love is like stew. The flavors have simmered all day and the ingredients have tenderized from the process of cooking. Mike and I have weathered life a bit, we’ve turned the page from intensity to steadfastness. The man who used to appear before me absolutely flawless, without blemish and basically perfect is no more. Just as I am none of those things to him. (though we do feel we are perfect for one another!) We have discovered that his constant tapping drives me crazy, and the duration of time at which I leave the fridge door open gets under his skin. In our first year of marriage we used to avoid the idea that we “fought”. We simply had to “talk” about something a little longer and then all was well. Let’s just say things have changed since the first year. But in all the messiness that is living two lives together (because let’s face it, even “clean” people are messy), it has only gotten better. He has proved to give me extra grace in my stubbornness. In all my insecurities and flaws he has proved to love me harder. As our marriage stew tenderizes on the stove-top, I can see and know and feel that his love for me grows everyday. He is a gift to me everyday. Mike is the person who makes me laugh the hardest, so hard it sometimes hurts. He is the person I never want to be without. Even when he leaves for a day I miss him. Happy Birthday to my loving husband, expectant father, and Godly man. With all of my heart I love you, more than words could ever describe! May your birthday be great, may you see and know and feel that my love grows for you each and every day, and may God truly bless you not just on your birthday but on every day. 
"I found him whom my soul loves" Song of Solomon 3:4

With Love,

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Baby Showers!

I have been intending to share the creative talents that my amazing family have put into the very important occasion that is... my BABY showers :-) !!! They were too beautiful not to share and I am so incredibly grateful to have been "showered" with all the things we need and want for our baby boy. Both were extremely different and both captured the parts of my personality that I have woven into the preparations for this child.

The Wisconsin Shower: Southern

My sissy outdid herself, as to be expected, and surprised me with a southern themed shower. She knows how much I loved living in Charlotte as well as my "wannabe" southern tendencies. So out came the sweet tea and white lace tablecloths, the most amazing cornbread I've ever tasted and our cowboy boots. You can see for yourself how she turned her backyard into a true southern affair! We might have even done our hair the same way, attempting some T-Swift curls to round the whole thing out  ;-)

Left: My beautiful sissy Right: My mom and mother-in-love

The Illinois Shower: Traditional

A working collaboration between my mother and a few aunts really turned this Little Golden Book themed shower into the sweetest day I could have imagined. My Godmother and cousin hosted it in their home and it was truly special. Did you read Little Golden Books as a child? I was fourth in the lineup of children in my household, so by the time I showed up the book stacks were high and I have a handful of favorites I can still remember! From the napkins to the cake and a part of almost every gift, Little Golden Books were everywhere! It was truly precious. And keeping it real for everyone else, my Aunt Shari served guests blue champagne as they arrived. I thought that was adorable! 

Notice the Golden Book Cake? My Aunt Lynn made it, herself.. be amazed! The picture in the middle with my girlfriends shows all of us at the same home for my wedding shower, and now all back together for the baby shower. We missed you Jordan!

It still amazes me the ways that family and friends have helped Mike and I prepare for this baby boy. I am so grateful for all the generosity that has been poured out on us and wish I could take each and every person whose loved on us out for a Thank You coffee! Today I am considered full term at 37 weeks! So now we remain faithful in praying that this boy continues to grow, stay healthy, and we wait...
With Love,